QualiBreath 101 - How does QualiBreath compare to other chest support devices?

QualiBreath 101 - How does QualiBreath compare to other chest support devices?

This is the last part of a series of Blog posts talking in depth about QualiBreath sternum and thorax support.
In here we have gone through all the FAQ's one category at a time and we want to give you an easy and simple overview of what this special postoperative product is, what it can do and how you can benefit from it if you have had an open heart surgery or other surgeries in the chest and sternum area.


QualiBreath and other devices:

  1. What are the advantages of QualiBreath over other chest support products?
    QualiBreath is the only dual-functional external chest support. It gives support to your sternum all the time, 24/7, and the integrated bar handles are a self-help tool for managing the situations with extra pain you may experience during coughing, sneezing, deep breathing exercises, or simply when moving around. No other chest support does both.

  2. What are the differences between QualiBreath and the other chest supports?
    Other chest supports have only one function: they are either a continuous chest support, or they are only cough supports. QualiBreath combines all advantages in one product: it gives continuous sternum and breathing support and it enables patients to get extra tight support when needed.

  3. Is using a pillow an alternative to QualiBreath?
    No. A pillow can not constantly support the sternum. Traditionally patients have often been advised to press a pillow against the sternum when coughing or sneezing. However, pressing a pillow or any other device directly inward on a fresh sternum wound and bone can do more harm than good, and may be a source of infection since pillows often fall on the floor or get in contact with other potential infection sources. Read more about the pillow here.



Do you have any experience with other devices ? What is the most important feature in an external chest support harness?

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