Normal breathing is affected after a sternotomy procedure and becomes more shallow due to wound pain, sore ribs and muscle pain.QualiBreath stabilises the sternum, supports the sore chest and stimulates a healthy deeper abdominal breathing. A key factor to decrease...
Once heart surgery has been performed and the chest has been closed, in regards to the healing of the sternum, the patient is an orthopedic patient. Do the commonly used techniques for post-sternotomy bone fixation and fracture management follow the...
From February 15th to 18th we'll be attending the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sessions Meeting (APTA CSM). The venue is the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, TX. This will be our first time at this meeting...
In this day of “evidence-based medicine” and a laser focus on reducing complications (thereby reducing costs to both the hospital and the patient), the heart pillow seems to have slipped through the cracks. Perhaps due to the tradition of use,...