A pandemic like Covid-19 requires careful management of demand for ICU beds.
Simply increasing the number of available ICU beds in local hotspots — a common response to rising caseloads — may paradoxically result in increased mortality. The better response is to relocate patients early out of emerging hotspots in order to keep ICU loads well below the maximum capacity.
At the peak of COVID-19 outbreaks, the need for ICU beds will exceed the total number of ICU beds even with self-isolation at 40%. Our results show the coming challenge for the health care system in Canada and the potential role of self-isolation in reducing demand for hospital-based and ICU care.
As coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreads across the world, the intensive care unit (ICU) community must prepare for the challenges associated with this pandemic.
The QualiBreath postoperative chest brace can help to get heart surgery patients home sooner and avoid readmission rates.
In other words: Avoid longer stays in ICU and wards.

1. QualiBreath relieves pain.
- It gives a comfortable constant lateral support on the sternum and wound.
- It gives a comfortable compression on sore respiratory muscles and ribs.
- It has special handles for more support when coughing, sneezing or straining.
- QualiBreath may decrease the need for opioids.
2. QualiBreath facilitates deeper, abdominal breathing.
- Its design, and the height of material leaves the upper abdominal area free.
- This helps to make deeper breathing easier for better clearance of atelectasis and secretions in the lower pulmonary lobes.
- QualiBreath may decrease pulmonary infections.
3. QualiBreath complements the internal closure from the outside.
- It stabilizes the sternum to get an optimal sternal alignment.
- Firm, constant external support is documented to decrease DSWI.
- QualiBreath may decrease deep sternal wound infections (DSWI).
4. QualiBreath has unmatched comfort.
- The tension is adjustable to loosen or tighten to a near rigid state.
- It conforms to the body shape, can be used 24/7 and improves sleep.
- QualiBreath has very high compliance with usage after discharge.
5. QualiBreath is an important psychological aid.
- It gives patients a secure and safe feeling of being held together.
- It improves exercise of the arms which increases blood supply and healing of the sternum.
- It functions as a constant reminder to protect the sternum and helps the patient to handle responsibility for sternum protection after discharge.
- QualiBreath improves the patient’s entire recovery process.
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